Archive for Nutrition


July 1980

One factor in the high grocery bills that lots of people complain about at every opportunity is the strange attachment Americans have to any liquid as long as it isn’t water. They go to great lengths to avoid drinking water: collecting and storing numerous awkward bottles, accumulating perculaters and dripulators, assembling packets of powder in many colors, shelling out immense amounts of money. All this, in order to pour a fluid down their throat that tickles the taste buds and stimulates the body.
Like Admiral David G. Faragut who shouted, “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!” as he sailed his squadron into Mobile Bay in 1864, people slurp a massive combination of chemicals and drugs in pursuit of gustatory pleasure and to overcome fatigue with no regard to the long term effect on their health.
What are the dangers in our popular water substitutes? One of the most prevalent, coffee, is expensive, stains the teeth, and is loaded with caffeine. Many nutritionists say caffeine is harmful to personal health. One cup of coffee can quickly destroy a good night’s sleep for some people.
Tea is cheaper in price than coffee, but it, too contains caffeine, though in lesser amounts. Since people usually drink a lot of iced tea in the summer, the result is about the same as for coffee. Neither coffee nor tea have any calories and are accordingly popular with weight watchers.
The sky- rocketing price of chocolate and cocoa has made drinks from either product costly. They contain a smaller amount of caffeine, but are usually loaded with sugar and are high in calories. Their one redeeming quality is the milk used in their preparation, since it is a good source of calcium, protein and vitamins.
Another widely used alternative to water is the cola drinks available in even the poorest and most decrepit neighborhoods here and abroad. They combine the worst features of all the other drinks and are high in sugar content, empty calories, and caffeine. The cost of soft drinks is excessive, too. Their advertisement is directed toward young people and encourages them to drink colas so they can be glamorous and seductive. “Regular” use of these drinks among young people helps to establish the caffeine habit for life. It also helps the cola companies pay big salaries and big dividends.
Other kinds of pop are not much better for a healthy life than the colas. They, too, are full of caffeine and chemicals. The only way to tell what is in the bottle is to read the microscopic words printed on the top of the lid with a magnifying glass in a strong light. Even then the rank and file consumer won’t have the least idea what the effect on him will be in the long run.
The popularity of diet colas and pop is growing. Their use is an example of spending money for nothing. Good money goes for a bottle of diet drink, each swallow of which may be injurious; those in important positions in government regulatory agencies can’t agree on what will be the final result of drinking endless cans and bottles of diet pop.
Beverages, such as Kool Aid, made from artificially colored and flavored powdered mixes are high in sugar, color additive, and calories. Their advertising is appalling. It gives the misleading information that a truly devoted mother must see to it that her darling children lap up several quarts of the concoction daily to grow up strong and fearless.
While people continue to guzzle these health- eroding and high- priced fluids, coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, pop, and Kool Aids, there is a drink that is extremely cheap, naturally delicious, relatively pure, devoid of calories, and readily available as close as the nearest faucet – water. With the addition of a little ice, it is the best thirst quencher that can be found.
There are health enthusiasts that swear by a cup of hot water every morning for a smooth functioning body. Adding two or three tablespoons of frozen lemon concentrate to a cup of hot water makes an apertif that can be further enhanced by a dash of cinnamon, allspice or cloves to become a comfortable companion along with a good book on a quiet winter evening.
Taking a good look at the amount of money spent for harmful beverages and cutting down or better yet, eliminating them would, in many instances, free sufficient grocery money to purchase a balanced diet of meat, eggs, milk, cereals, fruit, and vegetables. As farm women vitally concerned with the cost of food to our customer, the consumer, perhaps we might tactfully and pleasantly spread the word when the subject of stretching the food dollar is discussed at club meetings, on the job, or in a grocery aisle.

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April 25, 1985

At last, local asparagus beds are up and growing. Asparagus is one vegetable that is far better when eaten freshly cut. Shipped in asparagus or the frozen or canned product loses a lot in both flavor and texture.

Edible asparagus was first grown in regions around the Mediterranean Sea. The Greeks and Romans used it for both food and medicine over 2,000 years ago. Asparagus has been grown in America since the 1600’s.

Asparagus is low in calories. A spear, ½ inch in diameter, has 2 ½ calories while a cup of cut up lengths has 30 calories. It contains protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, vitamin A (excellent source), thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C.

Asparagus may be microwaved, stir-fried, steamed or boiled in a small amount of water. A short cooking time preserves the green color.

Hot Ham and Asparagus sandwich

Cover buttered slice of toast with a slice of boiled ham. On this place cooked asparagus tips. Cover with homemade cheese sauce or heated undiluted cheese soup.

Asparagus Ring

1 ½ pound asparagus

3 tablespoons flour

3 tablespoons butter

½ teaspoon salt

Pepper to taste

1 cup whole milk

3 eggs, separated

Cut asparagus in 1-inch pieces. Melt butter. Add flour, salt and pepper. Stir until well blended. Add milk gradually and cook until thick. Add beated egg yolks. (First, put 2 tablespoons hot mixture into eggs and beat.) Cool. Beat egg whites stiff and add to milk mixture. Fold in asparagus. Grease ring mold and fill. Bake at 350 degrees for ½ hour or until set. Serve with a cream or cheese sauce.

Asparagus and Dried Beef Sticks

Cook 3-inch spears of asparagus lightly. Wrap in dried beef slices or ham. Spread bread slices with mayonnaise. Place one stalk one each slice. Roll up tightly and fasten with toothpick.

Asparagus with Hot Mayonnaise

¼ cup medium white sauce

½ cup hot mayonnaise

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1 pound fresh asparagus

Cook asparagus. Combine other ingredients and serve hot over the hot asparagus.

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Sound advice as there seems to be more and more additives in processed food all the time. The fourth suggestion is the best in my opinion.


March 1983


We read so much conflicting information on additives in our food it is easy to be confused. Are they as bad as some knowledgeable authorities tell us? Are they as harmless as other well- qualified sources say?

The final verdict in this dispute over the use of additives in our food is definitely not in. In the meantime you still have to make a decision one way or the other for your own kitchen. Until more guidance is available it might be well to adopt a rational approach to additives by studying the following suggestions:


  • Eat a wide variety of food.
  • Read labels. Choose those with the fewest additives.
  • Don’t be fooled by the word “natural”
  • In reducing your consumption of additives, don’t forget to cut down on two of the leading ones, salt and sugar.
  • Use fresh or the least processed foods possible.


The farther food is removed from its natural form the more additives it will have. Use “real foods” not their artificial equivalent. Drink fruit juices, not powdered imitations or fruit drinks that are artificially flavored, colored and sweetened.

In conclusion, not all food additives are bad, but when they are used to enhance nutritionally deficient foods so that people buy them instead of plain, simple food such as meat, vegetables, fruit, milk and whole grains they are bad.

We don’t need all those fortified cereals, fatty and salty processed meat, chips and dips, sugary caffeine laden soft drinks or the heat- and- serve, eat- and- run products.


Healthy Oatmeal Cookies


1 ½ pounds carrots

1 cup raisins

Boiling water

2 cups whole wheat flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

½ teaspoon soda

½ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ cup margarine

1 cup honey

½ cup brown sugar

2 eggs

2 cups quick oatmeal

2 cups nuts, chopped


Grease and flour cookie sheets.

Do not peel carrots. Grate coarsely. You should have 2 firmly packed cups. Pour boiling water over raisins. Let stand 3 minutes and drain.

Mix the dry ingredients. Beat margarine. Add honey and sugar. Beat until smooth. Add eggs and beat well.

Stir in the dry ingredients, carrots, oatmeal, nuts and raisins.

Form into balls and flatten. Place on cookie sheet. Bake at 325° for 25 to 30 minutes. Transfer cookies to rack. Store in a freezer box between layers of waxed paper.


Raisin Bread


2 cups whole wheat flour

¼ cup white flour

¾ teaspoon baking soda

1 ¼ cup raisins

¼ cup wheat germ

½ cup milk

¼ cup honey

¼ cup molasses


Grease and flour a 9 x 4 ½ x 3- inch loaf pan. Combine all the dry ingredients. Stir in the raisins. Stir in the wheat germ. Combine the wet ingredients and add to the dry ones.

Pour into pan. Make trench in top. Bake 50 minutes at 350°. Cool in pan for 10 minutes. Remove loaf and cool.


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Bread Baking

Though weight loss diets have turned on bread again, baking, smelling and eating home made bread is still just as enjoyable.

February 1985

When your children or husband open the back door on a cold February day the aroma of bread baking in the oven is a foretaste of heaven.

Nothing makes a dreary afternoon take wings more than getting out the yeast and activating both the yeast and yourself for an afternoon of bread baking.

Since bread is now in high favor with nutritionists you may bake to your heart’s content without feeling guilty. It has always been a low- fat, high- energy food, but it used to be called “too starchy.” Now bread is considered to be essential in a diet that should be 60% carbohydrates.

In simpler times, bread made from corn, wheat, oats or rye was the mainstay of many primitive societies.

For a long time reducing diets excluded bread, but that has changed and bread is an essential part of all sensible weight loss diets.

Children and teenagers are better off eating bread than snack crackers, pretzels, chips or cookies. Everyone should be a little careful about loading too much butter or jelly on bread, but otherwise, eat and enjoy.

Oatmeal Bread

1 cup boiling water

1 cup oatmeal

½ molasses

1/3 cup shortening

1 cup cold water

1 teaspoon salt

1 package dry yeast

¼ cup warm water

2 ½ cups white flour, approximately

2 ½ cups whole wheat flour

½ cup dry milk

2 eggs, beaten

Sprinkle yeast on the ¼ cup of warm water. Combine boiling water, oatmeal, molasses and shortening. Add beaten eggs and yeast. Stir in flour until mixture is thick. Turn out on floured board and knead until smooth.

Place in bowl rinsed with warm water. Cover with warm, damp cloth. Let rise until doubled, 1 ½ hours. Punch down. Divide into 3 balls. Let rest, covered, 10 minutes.

Form into three loaves. Place in oiled loaf pans. Let rise, covered with damp cloth, until double in bulk, about 1 hour.

Bake at 400° for 35 minutes. Remove from pan. Cool on rack. This freezes well and is especially good toasted

Bread Sticks

1 package dry yeast

2 cups warm water

½ cup oil or shortening

3 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs, beaten

5 ½ to 6 cups whole wheat flour

Dissolve yeast in small amount of the warm water. Combine shortening, sugar, salt and eggs. Add yeast and rest of water. Stir in rest of flour. Do not knead. It should be a nice soft dough. Chill several hours.

Divide into 60 portions. Form into pencil-shaped sticks 6 to 8 inches long. Place on oiled cookie sheets about one-half inch apart. Cover. Let rise at about 80 to 85°. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until brown. Cool on rack. Store in metal or crockery container with a lid. May also be stored in a plastic bag.

These keep a long time and are delicious as a snack. We often take them along when traveling They make a nice addition to go with a cup of coffee in a motel room.

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Getting Enough Calcium Part 3

The final installment of this interesting 3 part series on Calcium.

January 30, 1986

In addition to dairy foods and sea food there are several other foods high in calcium that can be used to add variety to a high calcium diet.

Collard and dandelion greens have over 200 milligrams of calcium per cup, raw. They are not very popular in the Mid West but Southerners really love them and grow them in their gardens most of the winter.

Turnip greens and kale have about 100 milligrams per cup, raw.

Another good source of calcium is tofu which has 130 milligrams per 3 1/2 servings. Tofu is a high protein meat substitute widely used in Asia and catching on here in this country.

Black strap molasses has 137 milligrams calcium in each tablespoon. An ordinary orange has 50 milligrams calcium.

Mexican food ingredients such as pinto beans and corn tortillas contain calcium. Each corn tortilla has 60 milligrams calcium. Processing the corn with lime during manufacturing increases the calcium content. A corn tortilla with melted cheese makes a quick calcium rich snack.

Tostada Salad

1 cup salmon, drained

1/2 cup green pepper, chopped

1/2 cup chopped carrot

1 small tomato, chopped

1/2 cup canned kidney beans, drained

4 corn tortillas

1 cup shredded cheese

2 cups shredded iceberg lettuce

Taco sauce

Mexican Dressing:

1 cup yogurt

1 tablespoon minced parsley

1 tablespoon minced onion

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon oregano leaves

1/4 teaspoon salt

Combine all ingredients for the dressing and set aside.

Combine salmon, green pepper, carrot, tomato and kidney beans with Mexican dressing refrigerate.

Place tortillas on baking sheet. Broil 1 minute on each side. Place on platter. Sprinkle with cheese and lettuce. Top with salmon mixture. Serve with taco sauce. Serves 4. 156 milligrams calcium per serving.

King Ranch Chicken

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can Rotel hot tomatoes with juice

1 cup chicken broth

3 pound chicken, cooked, boned and chopped

12 soft corn tortillas, torn in small pieces

1 medium onion, chopped

1 pound grated cheddar cheese

Combine first four ingredients into a sauce. In a 9 x 13 inch casserole make a layer of tortillas, chicken, onions and cheese. Top with 1/4 of sauce. Repeat until all ingredients are used ending with a layer of cheese.

Bake covered at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Freezes well.

Greek Dandelion Salad

1 pound dandelion greens

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 garlic clove, minced

Salt and pepper

2 ounces feta cheese, crumbled

Wash greens. Cook in 2 quarts boiling water until tender crisp — about 6 minutes. Drain. Rinse in cold water. Drain again. Place on paper towels to remove excess water. Arrange on a platter. Combine oil, lemon juice, garlic and salt and pepper. Drizzle over green. Refrigerate. At serving time garnish with feta cheese. Serves four. 194 milligrams calcium per serving.

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Getting Enough Calcium Part 2

Below is part two of the series on calcium. Part one may be found here.

January 23, 1986

Last week I wrote about getting plenty of calcium in your diet through the use of dairy products. Sea foods are another good source of calcium.

Salmon with bones has 167 milligrams calcium for each three ounces. Three ounces of sardines with bones has over twice as much – 372 milligrams for each three ounces. Be sure to eat the bones of both sardines and salmon to get maximum calcium.

Shrimp and oysters also have a good bit of calcium. A pound of perch, halibut, sole or Orange Roughy has about 600 milligrams of calcium so that’s about 125 to 150 milligrams per serving.

Salmon Cakes

1 15-ounce can salmon

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1 cup crushed crackers

Salt and pepper


Combine salmon using juices and bones, eggs, crackers, and desired seasoning. Form into small flat cakes. Pour about 1 tablespoon oil into skillet. Heat. Saute salmon cakes in oil until golden brown. Serve with tartar sauce. Will make 6 salmon cakes.

Salmon Rice Loaf

1 15 or 16-ounce can salmon

1 cup cooked rice

1/2 cup milk

2 eggs, beaten

2 tablespoons butter, melted

1 tablespoon parsley flakes

1/2 teaspoon salt


1 can tomato soup

1/2 cup dairy sour cream

Combine all ingredients including juice and bones of salmon. Form into loaf and put in greased pan. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. Heat soup. Stir in sour cream. Serve with loaf. Makes 6 servings.

Salmon Casserole

4 ounces medium noodles

1 16-ounce can salmon

1 10 1/2-ounce can tomato soup

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon minced onion

1 teaspoon prepared mustard

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

1/4 cup crushed soda crackers

2 tablespoons melted butter

Cook noodles. Combine rest of ingredients except crackers and butter. Add noodles. Mix lightly. Pour into casserole dish.

Mix crumbs with butter and sprinkle on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serves 6.

Polynesian Fish Balls

1 pound fish fillets, chopped fine

5 ounce can water chestnuts, chopped fine

1/2 cup almonds, slivered

2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2/3 cup oil

Combine first five ingredients. Shape in one-inch balls. Heat oil in skillet. Fry fish ball, turning carefully. Just before serving, combine with sauce.


1 13 1/2 ounce can pineapple chunks

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1/2 cup vinegar

1/2 cup sugar

3 tablespoons cornstarch

1/2 cup celery, sliced thin

1/2 slivered green onions

Drain juice from pineapple. Add water to make 1 cup. Add soy sauce and vinegar. Heat. Mix sugar, cornstarch and a little water to make thick sauce. Slowly stir into hot liquid. Cook until sauce is thick and clear. Add onions, celery and pineapple. Heat Pour over fish balls.

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Are you getting enough Calcium?

Now is a good time to evaluate your diet. This article starts off a series that contains a lot of good information about Calcium and how to include it more in your diet. Current recommendations for healthy bones are 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 600 units of Vitamin D for healthy adults and 1,200 milligrams of calcium and 800 units of Vitamin D for the elderly. Further information can be found at


January 16, 1986


The first of the year is a good time to check out our level of nutritional fitness and make a few resolutions to improve our diet.

Everyone, children, teenagers and adults, need calcium. Too often mothers see to it that everyone else in the family has plenty of calcium rich food and then excuse themselves from eating what they should, saying “I never did like milk and I’m too old to start drinking it now. Besides, it’s too fattening.”

Wrong, on several counts. While milk products are a good source of calcium they are not the the only source and while cream, butter and cheese are high in calories, many other milk products are not.

Your bones are living tissues and without proper nourishment they gradually lose the calcium they already contain and osteoporosis may result. Osteoporosis leads to brittle bones that may fracture easily. There are also other factors in addition to calcium that are involved in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

But you can build and maintain strong bones by using calcium rich food. Dairy products are a good source as are green vegetables, salmon and sardines, and tofu.

This article will give ways to get more calcium from dairy foods and in the next two weeks I’ll give recipes for using green vegetables, salmon and sardines, and tofu.

The American Society of Bone and Mineral Research recommends that women consume 800 to 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily before menopause and 1,300 to 1,400 milligrams daily after menopause.

Here are ways to get more calcium through dairy products:

  • Include milk in diet regularly
  • If desired, use skim milk. One cup has 300 milligrams calcium and 90 calories.
  • Enrich breads, pancakes, meat loaves, soups and beverages with nonfat dry milk.
  • Select hard cheeses for cooking and eating. Swiss and Gruyere cheese have over 270 milligrams per ounce.
  • Use fluid, dry or canned milk in coffee. Non-dairy whiteners, creamers and toppings contain no calcium.
  • Use skim Ricotta cheese instead of cottage cheese. One-half cup has 337 milligrams as compared to 78 milligrams for cottage cheese.
  • Make milk based soups.
  • Use yogurt as basis for salad dressing.
  • Replace cream with evaporated milk.
  • Drink a milk based tomato soup or hot spiced milk as a bedtime relaxer.
  • Blend milk, ice and fruit juices for a refreshing drink. Example: Orange Julius.
  • If you are lactose intolerant, add lactose to fresh milk to make it digestible.


Swiss Quiche


10 ounces frozen broccoli spears, thawed and drained

3 eggs, lightly beaten

1 cup low fat yogurt

3/4 cup evaporated milk

2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 cups Swiss cheese

1/3 cup finely chopped celery

3 tablespoons sliced green onions

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese.


Whisk eggs, yogurt, evaporated milk and cornstarch. Stir in remaining ingredients except cheese and broccoli. Set aside. Grease a 9-inch round baking ban. Pour in cheese mixture. Arrange broccoli spears, spoke fashion in pan. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until set. Makes 6 servings.


Cottage Vegetable Bake


One 10-ounce package mixed vegetables

1 cup cottage cheese

2 tablespoons dry milk

1/4 cup milk

1 tablespoon flour

1/4 teaspoon salt


2 eggs


Thaw and drain vegetables. Beat cheese, dry milk, flour and seasonings together. Add eggs and beat until blended. Put vegetables in casserole. Pour cheese mixture over vegetables Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Serves four.


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Last weekend was my birthday and as usual I got treated with apple dumplings. Despite all the nutritious value found in apples that my Grandmother describes below, those dumplings should probably not be enjoyed more than once a year, though they are quite delicious.

October 1982

As my farmer and I sat on the porch this morning eating our breakfast between the dark of the night and the light of the day there was an unmistakable feeling of fall in the crisp air.

The rising wind sighed through the windbreak and rustled the leaves of the little spring- planted cottonwood tree into an early morning song. Gleaming dull gold, the milo field stretched to the south while across the road George Miller’s cattle grazed in the tall Sedan grass, silhouetted in the misty haze.

Four young robins winged in from the vegetable garden and settled in the driveway to busily run about in search of grain, looking for all the world like plump Dutch matrons hustling about their morning chores.

Out west the last of the apples hung high on the tree where they had escaped all my efforts to reach them with a ladder and a grappling hook. The sparrows and the blackbirds are pecking away at them for an early snack.

The apple tree is old and broken and each year we say, “This crop will surely be the swan song for that tree.” It was planted soon after our marriage and for over 35 years has kept the family supplied with apple pies and cobblers, apple crisp and apple sauce, as well as apple dumplings.

The children used to eat so many green apples I just knew they would have a stomach ache, but they never did. This year two small grandchildren took up the green apple eating tradition with no ill effects.

Each April the old tree blossoms into a beautiful halo of flowers and sets on a crop of apples that grow plump and red by August. Then, we begin making applesauce for the freezer.

My farmer and I spend many companionable evenings removing the worms and bad spots from the raw apples, cooking them and pushing them through a colander before sacking the sauce in plastic bags for freezer or, if it is full, canning them.

Applesauce sprinkled with black walnuts or pecans, with light cream poured over the top is a delightful winter dessert after a heavy dinner.

Sliced raw apples freeze well and can be used in any recipe the same as fresh ones. Incidentally a food processor makes fast work of slicing them.

The good news about apples is that nutritionists are rediscovering what your grandmother knew – apples are not only good, they’re also good for you.

Apples are high in fiber. Fiber is the name for a quite a few indigestible substances namely cellulose, lignin, pectin, hemicellulose, and gum. Apples contain lots of pectin.

Quite a few authorities think fiber reduces the incidence of some types of cancer. It is also suggested that fiber may help to protect people from heart disease by its effect on cholesterol- lowering effect on the body.

While this research on heart disease, cancer, and diet is still in the beginning stages and not conclusively proven it looks as if you can enjoy apples with a clear conscience. These recipes make the most of the apple’s juicy, tart flavor.

Cheese Crumble Apple Pie


½ cup whole wheat flour

1/3 cup sugar

1/3 cup brown sugar

½ teaspoon cinnamon

5 tablespoons butter


5 cups apples, sliced

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 ½ cups shredded Cheddar cheese

4 teaspoons flour

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

Make one 9-inch pie crust with a high rim using your favorite recipe. For the topping combine dry ingredients. Cut in butter with pastry blender. Set aside.

For filling, toss together apples and lemon juice. Mix cheese, flour and nutmeg; toss with apples. Arrange this fruit mixture in the crust. Sprinkle with topping. Bake at 375° for 40 to 50 minutes.

Serves 6-8.


Apple Dumplings

1 ½ cups white flour

1 cup lard

1 ½ cup whole wheat flour

1/3 to ½ cup cold water

½ teaspoon salt

Mix dry ingredients. Cut in lard with pastry blender until size of peas. Add the smallest amount of water in driblets that you can and still have the dough stick together. Roll out ¼ inch. Cut into 6 or 7 squares. Set aside.

Core and partially peel 6 apples of a large and juicy variety. Then prepare this syrup:


1 cup water

3 tablespoons butter

1 cup brown sugar

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

Boil for 3 minutes. Place apples on each pastry square. Fill cavities of apple with mixture of:

½ cup sugar

1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon

Bring opposite points of pastry up over the apple. Overlap, moisten and seal. Place separately in shallow baking dish. Pour hot syrup around dumplings.

Bake at once at 425° for 40 to 45 minutes until brown and apple is tender. Serve warm with the syrup and Half and Half.

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Pickles and Relishes

Last week was about jams and jellies. This week pickles, relishes, and sauces.

September 22, 1988

Do you remember when you came home from school in the fall and the kitchen was filled with nice spicy vinegary smells and jars of relish were cooling on the table? Mom had worked all day chopping the vegetables and fruit by hand or grinding them in a hand powered grinder.

It’s a lot easier now with food processors and electric grinders to put up the last of summer abundance for winter tables. In days gone by no Sunday dinner was complete without at least three dishes of pickled vegetables or fruit on the table. No longer do we need such a generous display but a carefully chosen relish still enlivens any winter meal.


12 1/2 pounds green tomatoes

12 green peppers

12 red sweet peppers

12 large onions

1 medium head of cabbage

3 tablespoons salt

3 cups vinegar

3 cups sugar

3 tablespoons mustard seed

1 teaspoon turmeric

Grind the first five ingredients. Mix with the salt. Let sit overnight in a non- metallic container. Drain. Cover with water and drain again. Mix with the rest of ingredients. Boil 20 minutes. Pour into previously sterilized pint jars. Process 20 minutes in a hot water bath. Seal jars.

English Chutney

1 pound apples, chopped

3/4 pound raisins, chopped

12 ripe tomatoes, chopped

2 red sweet peppers, chopped

3 large onions, chopped

1 tablespoon mustard seed

1 tablespoon salt

2 cups brown sugar

4 cups vinegar

Mix all the ingredients. Cook slowly until thick, about 30 minutes in a hot water bath. Remove and tighten lids.

Tomato Sauce

5 pounds tomatoes, preferably plum tomatoes

1 tablespoon oil

1 onion chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 tablespoon chopped green peppers

2 tablespoons finely chopped carrots

2 tablespoons finely chopped celery

2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley

1 teaspoon oregano

1 bay leaf

Salt and Pepper to taste

Peel tomatoes. Cut into chunks. Heat the oil in a heavy kettle and saute the onions and garlic. Stir in the green peppers, carrots, celery and tomatoes. Add parsley, oregano, bay leaf and pepper. Bring to a boil. Uncover and simmer 1 to 2 hours, stirring occasionally until thickened. Remove the bay leaf. This is important. Pour into containers and freeze. Makes 2 pints.

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I can never get enough peaches in the summer time. This column is full of delicious recipes for peaches. Though eating them fresh and plain is just as delicious as well.

September 1983

Biting into a juicy, tree- ripened peach is one of the remembered joys of summer. We are lucky to live close to plenty of good peach orchards and to have a bountiful supply.

A family can jump in the car, drive to the orchard and go peach picking. It is fun to select the plumpest and smoothest specimens. Coming home with peach-filled kids plus a couple of bushels in the car trunk they are all set for some choice eating.

If you can’t get around to eating all of them, fresh peaches freeze well. They are easy to skin by just scalding for a couple of minutes and immersing in ice water. The skins will slip off easily. Scalding too long ruins their color, so work quickly and do small batches at a time.

I like to put a few in small plastic bags and open them on a winter night. They make a delightful bedtime snack served while still slightly frozen with a drizzle of light cream.

Old- Fashioned Peach Pie

5 cups sliced peaches

1 cup sugar

3 tablespoons flour

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon almond flavoring

2 tablespoons butter

Pastry for 2 crust pie

Roll out bottom crust. Combine all ingredients. Pour into crust. Roll out top crust. Cut slits. Moisten crust’s rim. Press on top crust. Carefully pinch edges. Bake at 400° for 40 minutes on bottom rack of oven. If top isn’t brown then raise to top rack for five minutes. Serve while still slightly warm.

Note: 2 tablespoons of red hots instead of the cinnamon gives a nice pink color.

Fresh Peach Cobbler

Pastry for 2-crust pie

1 cup sugar

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1 cup water

1 tablespoon butter

5 cups sliced peaches

2 tablespoons flour

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon ginger

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

Roll pastry. Line 9-inch pan. Roll top crust. Mix sugar and cornstarch. Add water and butter. Cook until thick. Stir in peaches. Cool. Pour into crust. Sprinkle with flour and spices. Cover with top crust. Bake at 425° for 35 minutes.

Peach Dumplings

Pastry for 2-crust pie


1 cup sugar

2 cups water

3 tablespoons butter

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon nutmeg


6 peaches, peeled, halved & seeded

½ cup sugar

½ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

2 tablespoon butter

Roll pastry 1/8 – inch thick. Cut into six 7-inch squares. Bring syrup ingredients to boil. Boil 3 minutes. Put whole peach in center of each pastry square. Fill center with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Dot with 1 teaspoon butter. Bring points of pastry over peach and pinch together. Pour 1 cup of the hot syrup in pan. Put in dumplings. Bake at 425° for 45 minutes. Serve warm with rest of syrup poured over dumplings. Cream is nice to pour over, too.

Glazed Peach Pie

6 cups sliced peaches

1 cup sugar

3 tablespoons cornstarch

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

½ cup orange juice

Pie shell, baked

Sweetened whipped cream

Mash enough of the peaches to make 1 cupful. Reserve rest of peaches. Combine sugar, cornstarch and cinnamon. Stir in orange juice and mashed peaches. Cook on top of stove or in microwave until thickened. Spread half over the bottom of pie shell. Arrange the sliced peaches over glaze. Spoon rest of glaze over peaches. Chill 3 hours. Top with whipped cream.

Pecan Peach Pie

4 cups sliced peaches

¾ cup sugar, white

3 tablespoons flour

1 ½ teaspoons lemon juice

1/3 cup brown sugar

¼ cup flour

3 tablespoon butter

½ cup chopped pecans

1 unbaked 9” pie shell

Combine sugar, peaches, the 3 tablespoons flour and lemon juice. Mix well. Combine brown sugar, the ¼ cup flour and butter. Cut in butter with pastry blender. Add pecans. Spread ½ of this mixture in bottom of unbaked pie shell. Arrange peach mixture over this. Top with remaining pecan mixture.

Bake at 400° for 40 minutes. Chill. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream.

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